Earlier this year I was incredibly excited to learn of a new magazine, The Cleaver Quarterly, to be dedicated entirely to Chinese food. Having devoured the beautiful first edition, I approached the editors Lily, Jonathan and Iain, with an idea that has been rolling around in a head for many years – an exploration of that great British institution, the Chinese takeaway. To my delight, Team Cleaver said yes! My finished article and photographs appear in the second issue, which has just been published.
You can read my article here, and buy the whole magazine plus past and future editions here.
Many, many thanks to my wonderful interviewees, Junkit Lau of JK’s in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, and Nayla Truong of Dan’s Island, Clapton, east London.
Posted by admin at 12:25 pm on October 21st, 2014.
Categories: China, Food, Magazines. Tags: article, chinese food, chinese takeaway, clapton, cleaver quarterly, dan's island, food, hackney, hebden bridge, jk's, magazine.
My Chinatown Food Tour is featured in a new e-book, ‘Kiratiana’s Travel Guide to Multicultural London’, by American writer and journalist Kiratiana Freelon. Kiratiana found me via Google and a few months ago we sat down to an epic Skype conversation, some of which you can read in this blog post; my deepest thanks to Kiratiana for including me in her book.
If you’d like a food tour of London’s Chinatown, please email me at jessielevene AT gmail DOT com.
Posted by admin at 12:18 pm on November 20th, 2012.
Categories: China, Interview, London. Tags: chinatown, chinatown food tour, food, kiratiana freelon, london, multicultural, tour, travel.
World Brunch Club, the pop-up restaurant co-chefed by myself and Francesca Ter-Berg, was featured recently on The Menu, the weekly food show from internet radio station Monocle 24. Our slot in in Episode 39, starts at 32’10”, and you can find it here.
Posted by admin at 11:49 am on July 31st, 2012.
Categories: China, Food, Interview, London, Radio. Tags: east london, food, francesca ter-berg, pop-up, sichuan, world brunch club.
This is the 15-minute feature that I produced for the Creative Radio strand of my MA programme at Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Marcel Proust’s novel ‘In Search of Lost Time’ famously describes a universal experience – that involuntary rush of memory when we eat or drink a certain thing. For the narrator of that novel it was a Madeleine cake, and in this documentary we hear from a psychologist, a food writer and two young women as they explore the phenomenon of the Madeleine Moment.
Many thanks to Hatt Reiss, Sarah Giaziri, Simon Parkes and John Morton for talking to me about food, memory and everything in between.
Posted by admin at 10:00 pm on July 9th, 2012.
Categories: Interview, London, Radio. Tags: food, goldsmiths, Jessie Levene, madeleine, marcel proust, memory, radio feature.